Panel description and objective: The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) was established three decades ago in response to needs that emerged in the context of the immense political, economic, and social transformation in the Central and Eastern European region. These needs were interconnected to the role of state and public administration throughout the CEE and the former Soviet Union in the transition to a market economy, liberal, multiparty democracy and the rule of law. The founders of NISPAcee stressed that countries in transition shared common problems and that international co-operation between academicians and practitioners could make a critical contribution to dealing with these problems and shortening the transition time.
NISPAcee’s mission, objectives and activities have always been linked to the reform needs and modernisation of public administration systems in the region. NISPAcee activities are among the essential contributions to the transition process through the development of advanced educational and training programmes in the field of public administration and public policy and the establishment of research networks focused on key issues of the region. Has NISPAcee been instrumental in these efforts?
The objective of this anniversary panel is therefore to discuss NISPAcee's evolution and activities over the past 30 years and to summarise NISPAcee’s achievements and challenges.
The discussion with the panellists will aim: • To highlight important milestones in the history of NISPAcee.
• To reflect on the impact of NISPAcee on PA education in our region.
• To reflect on the impact of NISPAcee on the evolution of PA in our region.
• To discuss the role and position of NISPAcee on the international stage and links with partner organisations.
• To reflect on the development of the organisation in the context of new international developments.
• NISPAcee Former Presidents and Steering Committee members:
Gyorgy Hajnal, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary
Juraj Nemec, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Külli Sarapuu, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Eka Akobia, Caucasus University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Marius Profiroiu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Martin Potůček, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Tiina Randma-Liiv, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
• Representatives of partner institutions: Eymeri-Douzans Jean-Michel, EGPA President, Belgium
Taco Brandsen, EAPAA Executive Secretary, The Netherland
Allan Rosenbaum, ASPA President, United States
• NISPAcee Executive Director: Ľudmila Gajdošová, Slovakia