The 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference

Conference photos available

Conference photos available

In the conference participated 317 participants

Conference programme published

Almost 250 conference participants from 36 countries participated

Conference Report

The 28th NISPAcee Annual Conference cancelled

The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 21 - October 23, 2021

The 2020 NISPAcee On-line Conference

The 30th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Bucharest, Romania, June 2 - June 4, 2022

Conference Programme Table View

for the  27th NISPAcee Annual Conference

Meeting Name    
Day  Room
Meeting Type
Time From   (enter in format: 12:12)   To    (enter in format: 12:12)
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08:30 - 11:00
09:00 - 10:15

Opening Plenary Session

Opening and Welcome Speeches

10:15 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:25

Opening Plenary Session

Keynote Speeches

11:25 - 12:00

Opening Plenary Session

Award Ceremony

11:30 - 15:30
12:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:00

General Session

Session 1: The Role of Institutions and State Reform

Capacity Building Workshop “Evidence-based Policy Making in the European Integration Context"

Session 1: Evidence in Policy Evaluations and Challenges in the Diffusion of ‘Evidence’ across Europe

Working Group 1: Local Government

Session 1: Organization and management / Local Self-government

Working Group 3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA

Session 1: Theory and Praxis of Post-New Public Management

Working Group 6: Evidence-Based Public Policy Making

Session 1: Process of Evidence-based Public Policy Making

Working Group 7: Public Administration Education

Session 1: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context

Working Group 8: Non-Governmental Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe

Session 1: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in European Integration Context

15:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 17:00

General Session

Session 2: The Role of Professionals and Values in Public Policy

Working Group 1: Local Government

Session 2: Local Democracy / Local Participation / Co-production

Working Group 3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA

Session 2: From Policy Design to Policy Practice: Lessons (to be) learnt (1)

Working Group 4: Inter-regional and Cross-border Cooperation and Development

Session 1: Sectoral, HR and Municipal Dimensions of Inter-Regional Cooperation

17:00 - 17:30
18:00 - 20:30
07:30 - 08:45
09:00 - 10:30

Working Group 1: Local Government

Session 3: The Context of Local Government

Working Group 2: E-Government

Session 1: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context

Working Group 3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA

Session 3: Assessing the Impact of EU Policies on Member States

Working Group 5: Public Finance and Public Financial Management

Session 3: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context

Working Group 6: Evidence-Based Public Policy Making

Session 3: Evidence-based Public Policy: Country Case Studies

Working Group 8: Non-Governmental Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe

Session 3: Partnerships and Tensions between Civil Society and Government

Panel: The Rule of Law & Public Administration

Session 1: The Rule of Law and CEE Public Governance

10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:45
13:45 - 15:15

Panel: Cultural Policy and Creativity for Smart Development in Central and Eastern Europe

Session 2: Governments’ Incentives and Approaches for Preparation and Implementation of Smart Initiatives and Culture-led Development

Panel: The Rule of Law & Public Administration

Session 3: The Rule of Law in Specific Sectors

15:15 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:30

Working Group 1: Local Government

Session 4: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context

Working Group 3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA

Session 4: Good Governance Building: An Eastern Outlook

Working Group 4: Inter-regional and Cross-border Cooperation and Development

Session 2: Political, Regulatory and Benchmark Foundations of Inter-Regional Cooperation

Working Group 5: Public Finance and Public Financial Management

Session 4: Public Procurement and Other

Working Group 6: Evidence-Based Public Policy Making

Session 4: Evidence-based Public Policy: Country Case Studies

16:45 - 17:30
17:45 - 18:00
19:00 - 23:00
23:00 - 00:00
09:00 - 10:30

Panel: The Rule of Law & Public Administration

Session 4: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context

Working Group 1: Local Government

Session 5: Local Finances

Working Group 3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA

Session 5: From Policy Design to Policy Practice: Lessons (to be) learnt (2)

Working Group 4: Inter-regional and Cross-border Cooperation and Development

Session 3: Legal Aspects of Inter-Regional Cooperation: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context

Working Group 5: Public Finance and Public Financial Management

Session 5: Taxation, Budgeting, Spendings

Working Group 6: Evidence-Based Public Policy Making

Session 5: Evidence-based Sectoral Policy Making

Working Group 8: Non-Governmental Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe

Session 4: NGOs in Advocacy and NGOs as Watchdogs

10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:00
13:30 - 22:30