Conference Programme List Overview
for the 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference
May 22, 2019 (Wednesday)
Steering Committee Strategy Meeting (Closed Meeting)
May 23, 2019 (Thursday)
Steering Committee Strategy Meeting (Closed Meeting)
PhD Pre-conference Seminar "How to Improve the Quality of your Research Paper?"
Session 1
Seminar “How to Write a Good Policy Paper”
Session 1
PhD Pre-conference Seminar "How to Improve the Quality of your Research Paper?"
Session 2
Seminar "How to Write a Good Policy Paper"
Session 2
PhD Pre-conference Seminar "How to Improve the Quality of your Research Paper?"
Session 3
Seminar “How to Write a Good Policy Paper”
Session 3
Steering Committee Meeting (Closed Meeting)
Workshop with Conference Working Groups Coordinators (Closed Meeting)
May 24, 2019 (Friday)
Opening and Welcome Speeches
Keynote Speeches
Award Ceremony
Main Conference Theme: From Policy Design to Policy Practice
Session 1
Session 1: The Role of Institutions and State Reform
Capacity Building Workshop “Evidence-based Policy Making in the European Integration Context"
Session 1: Evidence in Policy Evaluations and Challenges in the Diffusion of ‘Evidence’ across Europe
Working Group 1: Local Government
Session 1: Organization and management / Local Self-government
Working Group 3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA
Session 1: Theory and Praxis of Post-New Public Management
Working Group 5: Public Finance and Public Financial Management
Session 1: Fiscal Federalism
Working Group 6: Evidence-Based Public Policy Making
Session 1: Process of Evidence-based Public Policy Making
Working Group 7: Public Administration Education
Session 1: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context
Working Group 8: Non-Governmental Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe
Session 1: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in European Integration Context
Session 2: The Role of Professionals and Values in Public Policy
Capacity Building Workshop “Evidence-based Policy Making in the European Integration Context”
Session 2: Learning from Good and Bad Practices
Working Group 1: Local Government
Session 2: Local Democracy / Local Participation / Co-production
Working Group 3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA
Session 2: From Policy Design to Policy Practice: Lessons (to be) learnt (1)
Working Group 4: Inter-regional and Cross-border Cooperation and Development
Session 1: Sectoral, HR and Municipal Dimensions of Inter-Regional Cooperation
Working Group 5: Public Finance and Public Financial Management
Session 2: State Interventions
Working Group 6: Evidence-Based Public Policy Making
Session 2: Public Policy Tools and Mechanisms
Working Group 7: Public Administration Education
Session 2
Working Group 8: Non-Governmental Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe
Session 2: Bottom-up and Top-down Civil Society and Policy-making
PRACTIC Project Meeting (Closed)
Welcoming Ceremony in Carolinum - the Historical Centre of the Charles University
May 25, 2019 (Saturday)
PAQUALITY Project Meeting (Closed)
Main Conference Theme: From Policy Design to Policy Practice
Session 2
Working Group 1: Local Government
Session 3: The Context of Local Government
Session 1: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context
Working Group 3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA
Session 3: Assessing the Impact of EU Policies on Member States
Working Group 5: Public Finance and Public Financial Management
Session 3: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context
Working Group 6: Evidence-Based Public Policy Making
Session 3: Evidence-based Public Policy: Country Case Studies
Working Group 7: Public Administration Education
Session 3
Working Group 8: Non-Governmental Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe
Session 3: Partnerships and Tensions between Civil Society and Government
Panel: The Rule of Law & Public Administration
Session 1: The Rule of Law and CEE Public Governance
Panel: The Rule of Law & Public Administration
Session 2: Procedural Fairness and Judicial Review
Panel: Politico-Administrative Relations in CEE
Session 1
Panel: Challenges in the Strategic Renewal of Public Administrations across Europe
Session 1
Panel: Cultural Policy and Creativity for Smart Development in Central and Eastern Europe
Session 1: Cultural Policies’ and Creativity Actors’ Contribution to Policy Making
Panel: Public Value as a Guiding Principle for Governance
Panel: Public Service Reform in the Post-Soviet Countries
Session 1
Panel: Behavioral Interventions in Public Sector
Session 1
Panel: Cultural Policy and Creativity for Smart Development in Central and Eastern Europe
Session 2: Governments’ Incentives and Approaches for Preparation and Implementation of Smart Initiatives and Culture-led Development
Panel: The Rule of Law & Public Administration
Session 3: The Rule of Law in Specific Sectors
Panel: Challenges in the Strategic Renewal of Public Administrations across Europe
Session 2
Panel: Public Service Reform in the Post-Soviet Countries
Session 2
Panel: Behavioral Interventions in Public Sector
Session 2
Main Conference Theme: From Policy Design to Policy Practice
Session 3
Working Group 1: Local Government
Session 4: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context
Session 2
Working Group 3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA
Session 4: Good Governance Building: An Eastern Outlook
Working Group 4: Inter-regional and Cross-border Cooperation and Development
Session 2: Political, Regulatory and Benchmark Foundations of Inter-Regional Cooperation
Working Group 5: Public Finance and Public Financial Management
Session 4: Public Procurement and Other
Working Group 6: Evidence-Based Public Policy Making
Session 4: Evidence-based Public Policy: Country Case Studies
Working Group 7: Public Administration Education
Session 4
Fairy-tale Evening at the Melnik Castle
Departure of Buses from Melnik to Prague (Albertov 6)
May 26, 2019 (Sunday)
Panel: The Rule of Law & Public Administration
Session 4: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context
Working Group 1: Local Government
Session 5: Local Finances
Working Group 3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA
Session 5: From Policy Design to Policy Practice: Lessons (to be) learnt (2)
Working Group 4: Inter-regional and Cross-border Cooperation and Development
Session 3: Legal Aspects of Inter-Regional Cooperation: From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context
Working Group 5: Public Finance and Public Financial Management
Session 5: Taxation, Budgeting, Spendings
Working Group 6: Evidence-Based Public Policy Making
Session 5: Evidence-based Sectoral Policy Making
Working Group 8: Non-Governmental Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe
Session 4: NGOs in Advocacy and NGOs as Watchdogs
Plenary Closing Roundtable: Evidence-based Policy Making in the European Integration Context
Award Ceremony and Closing of the Conference