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The goals of the project (NISPAcee Working Group on Quality of Implementation) were the following:

  • to broaden the conceptual dimension and to develop new research methodology that would enable studying implementation processes, particularly in the preparatory stages (the use of impact assessment tools);

  • to develop case studies from different countries to be used for the development of more sophisticated and structured analytical tools;
  • to seek evaluations / analyses / empirical research of the quality of preparation for the policy implementation process (e.g. the use of impact assessment tools, implementation strategies, etc. prior to actual implementation);
  • seek evaluations, analysis, empirical research and case studies that assess the performance or demonstrate progress in actual implementation of certain policies, with special attention to practical experience from practitioners and civil servants;
  • as the output of the research, to prepare a book with case studies developed according to the clear theoretical framework with an introductory chapter where theoretical conception well be presented;
  • develop a continuous working group that would undertake research in the quality of various stages of the policy making process.


In June 2004, the Working Group coordinators on Public Sector Quality prepared a Call for Papers for the 13th NISPAcee Annual Conference in Moscow. The call suggested that prospective paper proposals can cover the following areas:

  • The impact of the EU accession on the quality of policy implementation;

  • Evaluation of the quality of the policy implementation process (both anticipation of the implementation and the actual implementation);
  • Monitoring and measuring the performance of civil servants and other stakeholders in the implementation of the policies;
  • Conditions that affect the quality of policy implementation;
  • Decentralization, outsourcing and the quality of policy implementation on local and regional levels.

By October, 2004, the Working Group coordinators received 42 paper proposals covering all suggested areas. This was the highest response compared to any other working groups at a NISPAcee annual conference. The Working Group coordinators considered this response rate as an indicator that the topic was very important for the region and, at the same time, it generated enough interest among researchers.


Although the quality of a paper proposal was the major criterion in selecting the papers for the working group meeting in Moscow, thematic and country representation played their roles, too. After the first round of the selection process, all proposals were divided into three categories: accepted; accepted conditionally (need some revision); rejected. At the second round, the Working Group coordinators reviewed the revised paper proposals and accepted most of them.


Based on a mutually agreed acceptance, 14 paper proposals were selected for presentation in Moscow. These paper proposals covered academic research and professional experience from a wide range of countries, including: Albania, Armenia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, the Netherlands, Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine.

Given a wide range of methodological approaches and specific country developments, the sessions of the Working Group at the conference in Moscow were organized around two major issues:

  1.  Case studies from CEE and NIS countries showing the problems the civil servants encounter during the whole implementation process: ranging from the preparation for the implementation by utilizing the tool of impact assessment to performance in big governmental reforms and assessing the implementation of services by utilizing New Public Management methods, such as contracting out, etc.

  2. Internal and external factors influencing capacity of civil servants during the implementation phase, such as role of the foreign advisors in CEE and NIS countries, training, etc.

Details on the meeting in Moscow:

The meeting of the Working Group was organized through several sessions on May 18, 19 and 20, 2005 (see the enclosed Program of the WG). Overall, the meeting of the working group in Moscow was very productive and very well attended. The sessions were structured so that to allow the participants to present their papers, to have discussants analyze methodology and the findings, to ensure there was enough time for responses as well as questions from the audience. All but one participant whose papers were accepted for presentation attended the working group sessions. Since that particular participant failed to show up at the scheduled presentation (although was present at the conference), the working group coordinators decided to revoke this participant’s right for the conference expenses reimbursement.


The last session of the Working Group meeting was dedicated to the review of a draft set of policy recommendations for decision-makers in CEE and NIS countries and to setting the course for future work. It was decided to narrow down the scope of the Working Group on Public Sector Quality to focus on the influence of the New Public Management in CEE and NIS countries. This will be a cross-country, case-based research of NPM reforms efforts.

Three best papers from the Working Group (written by Kristiina Tonnisson from Estonia, Juraj Nemec from Slovakia and Veiko Lemberts from Estonia) were selected for publication in the NISPAcee Annual Conference Proceedings. In addition, the conveners of the Working Group are in the process of preparing a publication that would map the discussion and case studies around the issues on implementation. The editors, William Dunn, Katarina Staronova and Sergei Pushkarev, collected the revised papers according to the framework and the edited volume of the papers should be with the language editor by the end December 2005. The book should be ready in the printed version by the end of February 2006.


The Working Group is supported by a grant from The Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary
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