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NISPAcee Participation in a Joint Capacity-development Initiative of UNDESA and UNDP


The workshop on "DEVELOPING GOVERNMENT AND GOVERNANCE CAPACITIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT in CIS COUNTRIES and COUNTRIES WITH ECONOMIES in TRANSITION” was held in Yerevan, Armenia on 8 – 10 October 2014. NISPAcee Executive Director, Ludmila Gajdosova, and the NISPAcee expert, Juraj Nemec, represented the organisation in the workshop.


The main objective of this capacity-development Workshop on developing government and governance capacities for sustainable development was to facilitate the transition to sustainable development in the countries with economies in transition, including the CIS countries, by promoting collaborative governance methods at any level of government, by streamlining government operations that help achieve sustainable development, with particular focus on requisite capacities (both institutional and human resources) for public administration and governance needed to facilitate and empower non-government actors (civil society and private sector) in pursuing the achievement of sustainable development.

The Workshop, which was jointly organised by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Regional Hub of Civil Service (the Hub), the Academy of Public Service under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the Academy), American University of Armenia (AUA), University of Southern California Sol Price School of Public Policy (USC), and support of the host Government of the Republic of Armenia, provided participants with the opportunity to: a) enhance knowledge about new trends, ideas and emerging issues in governance and how sustainable development might best be pursued in a post-Rio+20 world; b) share solutions to complex governance challenges related to sustainable development; c) explore and discuss ideas about how governments might best address sustainable development challenges; d) network with government officials, experts, the private sector and civil society representatives, as well as practitioners from around the world, and e) explore and propose measures that need to be taken to further develop institutional, human, and material capacities of state institutions, civil society, and private sector actors to enable them to be innovative and oriented to pursue the achievement of sustainable development for the future we want.

About fifty participants of the workshop, from more than twenty countries, represented governments, ministries and agencies, universities and research institutions, NGOs and International and Regional organisations. The programme consisted of plenary sessions, during which invited experts of the involved organising institutions presented their findings and experience on the targeted topic. Juraj Nemec presented his knowledge and experience on the Public Administration Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe. The plenary sessions were followed by three breakout groups focusing on discussions on The Potential of Collaborative Governance and the Role of Facilitative Leadership for Sustainable Development, Adaptation of Best Practices in Priority Areas of Public Service Delivery for Sustainable Development (including accountability and transparency in the public service), and The Role of Science and Education in Promoting the Achievement of Sustainable Development. The workshop was concluded by a closing plenary session, which aimed at the formulation of The Way Forward, Lessons Learned, Reflection, Feedback and Conclusions and Recommendations for the region. More information about the workshop and its outcomes can be found on the UNPAN website:


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